Care & Training
Qualified and experienced care assistants will supervise your care.
You are however encouraged and supported to carry out self care as much as possible to enable you to maintain your independence and mobility for as long as possible.
Nursing care is delivered mainly by a Named Nurse i.e. a nurse allocated to a group of residents. The Named Nurse will assess resident’s needs, prepare the care plan in consultation with the resident and deliver and evaluate the care given The registered nurse is the leader of the care team, which includes care assistants.
All care assistants participate in training leading to (S.V.Q) Scottish Vocational Qualification in care. This qualification is recognised nationally by the Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland. Many of our care staff have achieved this qualification.
The key worker will be responsible for co-ordinating and supervising your care and will report back to the line manager. The key worker is your special carer to whom you can relate to and confide in. He/she will be your main support person who will be readily available to discuss your needs or concerns.
The homes are Scottish Qualification Authority approved centres to undertake S.V.Qs. (Scottish Vocational Qualifications) in Health and Social Care and were one of the first organisations to attain approval to offer this training.
The highest standards
All Care Assistants undertake training in Health and Safety, First Aid, Equal Opportunities and Direct Resident Care as part of their SVQ training. Professional study and in-house training courses are held on an ongoing basis. Professional study plus in-house training are conducted frequently by our Training Officer, Various external training organisations are also engaged to provide courses not offered in-house.
Suncourt meets the staffing levels of trained care staff required to comply with the National Care Standards i.e. that 60% of the staff are trained to S.V.Q. Level 2 or above. Staff on duty will be adequate to meet the needs of the residents.
The qualified nurses must be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in order to practice: this requirement is mandatory.