Privacy Policy

Ayrshire Care Homes is committed to the security and privacy of our clients and visitors to our website. Please take a moment to read over this privacy policy, which describes the reasons and methods for our collecting information about users and the steps we take to ensure this information is kept confidential.

Why we collect user information

We collect data about you and how you use our website for the purposes of making the experience better for you and others. In terms of personal information submitted through online forms, we may use this (only with your permission) to send periodic updates alerting you to products, services or information that may interest you.

How we use the data collected

We use the data provided to us to:

  • Assess certain functions and features of the website with a view to improving them.
  • Tailor the website functionality to provide a better user experience.
  • To help better serve the right features, products, information and services that you are interested in.
  • To keep you informed of the latest information, products and services available through our website.

Disclosure of data

We will not share, sell or distribute any personal information provided to us about you, unless required to do so by law. All data is processed and stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.


While the safety of any information transmitted over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure, we will do our very best to protect the information afforded to us. Any transmission of information is done so at your own risk, but we guarantee that any information collected will be stored in a secure manner with strict policies and features in place to safeguard access.