The Elms

Thorntoun Estate, Crosshouse, Kilmarnock, KA2 0BH
01563 572626

The Elms Respite Unit opened in 1998 and offers respite/short breaks to adults aged 16 to 65 years who have a learning disability and who may also have a physical disability.

It is a bungalow style building which can accommodate ten people, all in single rooms with en suite toilet and washbasin. Several rooms are fitted with tracking hoist to ease transfer issues from bed to chair etc. There are also spacious shower rooms (one en suite) and a bathroom.

Some service users have enjoyed visiting the unit for many years and like to meet up with their friends in the communal lounge, movie/games room, dining room and enclosed patio. They are supported by an experienced and knowledgeable staff team who have been trained to meet the varied needs of the service users. The team can support people who have very complex needs.


A Warm Welcome

There is a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere which is evident from arrival at the unit.

Service users are consulted and given choices on what they wish to do while staying at the unit. There are a number of activities and outings which can be participated in, with the emphasis on fun and relaxation. Staff do not wear uniforms, promoting a friendly and non-institutional approach.

Laundry facilities ensure the service users clothing is attended to and the unit has cleaning and catering staff to free up support staff for interaction with service users. There is access to transport which is suited to the needs of wheelchair users to allow outings to take place to a wider range of locations.

Get in Touch

For any information or questions you may have please don't hesitate to contact us. No matter is too small.

Thorntoun Estate, Crosshouse, Kilmarnock, KA2 0BH
01563 572626
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